Building Performance Services

Long term high building performance focus utilising our pool of highly qualified and experienced controls and commissioning engineers.

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Our suite of integrated Building Performance Services include a comprehensive set of services designed to ensure that the systems are not only designed and installed as per the design intent, they are also operating optimally at the peak of their performance through its lifecycle in order to maximize energy savings while prioritizing the comfort and safety of its occupants. Our expertise in digital building / IoT technology allows us to remotely monitor and collect digital information about the facilities which not only makes the building performance assessment much more efficient during handover to operations but also provides the tools required to continuously monitor track performance throughout its lifecycle

How we can help you with your next program

Our purpose is to support our clients in delivering flexible, healthy, fully tuned and functioning facilities.

To do so, our BPS engineers and managers work closely with design, construction and fit-out design engineers & contractors to ensure not only that clients’ design intent is captured within the design but that facilities perform to the highest level for their occupants- allowing them to be as productive and successful as possible.

Facilities operating at optimal levels provide healthier environments that support well-being, are simpler, more efficient and cost much less to operate and maintain for the end user.

When scaled across a property portfolio, the value this brings is significant.

Our experts can perform one-time or ongoing monitoring of your operational data to evaluate the performance of your facilities.  This is done using a variety of tools and procedures including, but not limited to

  • BAS trend data
  • Spot measurements
  • Review of building as buildings
  • Temporary meters/data loggers

These reviews and analysis can provide actionable information that can be used to identify and fix potential issues that may be causing any degradation in performance and could result in premature equipment failure.

Building Performance Audits

Our teams are highly experience in conducting comprehensive facility audits that can be used for

  • Equipment and system performance assessments

These comprehensive Audits can provide valuable insight that can be used for

  • Potential Cyber Security risks assessments (for your OT networks)
  • Equipment Life cycle assessments

The scope of the Building Performance Audit will be to assess the following aspects of the in scope systems, devices, processes and functions within the building:

  • Operational State
  • Building Control Performance
  • Digital Building Readiness
  • CyberSecurity Risk
  • Facilities Management
  • Detailed MEP Assessment

The audit will include the following systems and devices:

  • Building Management Systems
  • Lighting Control Systems
  • MEP (inc HVAC, Leak Detection, Electrical Distribution / Scada, UPS, Generator, Energy, Weather and other) Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Systems & Devices
  • Sensors
  • Lifts & escalators
  • Blind Control & Facade
  • Fire (with code restrictions)
  • Food & Catering
  • Audio Visual Equipment
  • Access Control
  • EV and Car Parking Systems
  • IoT Cloud platforms
  • Unmanaged OT networks


The Building Performance Audit will provide the following deliverables:

Building Performance Audit Report

Detailing an executive summary and detailed assessment of the following aspects of the in scope systems, processes and devices, together with our high-level recommendations:

  • Operational State
  • Building Control Performance
  • Digital Building Readiness
  • Cybersecurity Risks
  • MEP Systems Performance
  • Energy and Sustainability
  • Facilities Management

Asset Register

Detailed record of the systems, unmanaged networks and assets (devices) identified by non-intrusive means in the audit together with associated information including operational state, cyber risk rating, location, etc.

Annotated Floor Plan Diagrams

Floor plan diagrams depicting the locations of devices recorded in the Asset Register

High-Level Systems Architecture

High-level system architecture diagram detailing the systems and associated networks topologies identified in the audit

System Schematic

Schematic diagram detailing the connectivity between the devices recorded in the Asset Register

Building Performance Audit Review

Meeting to review the findings and recommendations of the Business Performance Audit with key stakeholders

FPC Provides a service whereby our specialists review third party 2D and BIM MEPH designs for commissionability, MEPH design coordination, access, maintainability and operability considerations.

These design reviews take place in accordance with RIBA/AIA design stages.

Reviewing designs early-on in their technical development - as early as RIBA stages 2 and 3 - ensures that Facilities Management are handed an end product at Practical Completion that meets their operational requirements and be fully maintained to continue optimum building performance.

Our suite of energy & sustainability services help facility owners and operators to achieve their energy and sustainability targets for both operational buildings and new construction projects.

Using a combination of energy modeling and analysis tools, our specialists are better able to inform our clients on:

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability feasibility studies
  • Life cycle cost analysis
  • New technology integration assessments
  • Post-occupancy performance monitoring and verification against design
  • Ongoing Commissioning
  • Emissions accounting and management programs
  • Emissions reduction roadmaps
  • Net zero energy and carbon reduction studies

And assist them to minimize energy bills and maximize rebates and incentives from the government and utility providers.

Commissioning Services

Our purpose is to support our clients in delivering flexible, healthy, fully tuned and functioning facilities.

To do so, our BPS engineers and managers work closely with design, construction and fit-out design engineers & contractors to ensure not only that clients’ design intent is captured within the design but that facilities perform to the highest level for their occupants- allowing them to be as productive and successful as possible.

Facilities operating at optimal levels provide healthier environments that support well-being, are simpler, more efficient and cost much less to operate and maintain for the end user.

When scaled across a property portfolio, the value this brings is significant.

Monitoring Based Commissioning Services

Our experts can perform one-time or ongoing monitoring of your operational data to evaluate the performance of your facilities.  This is done using a variety of tools and procedures including, but not limited to

  • BAS trend data
  • Spot measurements
  • Review of building as buildings
  • Temporary meters/data loggers

These reviews and analysis can provide actionable information that can be used to identify and fix potential issues that may be causing any degradation in performance and could result in premature equipment failure.

Operational Performance Monitoring

Building Performance Audits

Our teams are highly experience in conducting comprehensive facility audits that can be used for

  • Equipment and system performance assessments

These comprehensive Audits can provide valuable insight that can be used for

  • Potential Cyber Security risks assessments (for your OT networks)
  • Equipment Life cycle assessments

The scope of the Building Performance Audit will be to assess the following aspects of the in scope systems, devices, processes and functions within the building:

  • Operational State
  • Building Control Performance
  • Digital Building Readiness
  • CyberSecurity Risk
  • Facilities Management
  • Detailed MEP Assessment

The audit will include the following systems and devices:

  • Building Management Systems
  • Lighting Control Systems
  • MEP (inc HVAC, Leak Detection, Electrical Distribution / Scada, UPS, Generator, Energy, Weather and other) Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Systems & Devices
  • Sensors
  • Lifts & escalators
  • Blind Control & Facade
  • Fire (with code restrictions)
  • Food & Catering
  • Audio Visual Equipment
  • Access Control
  • EV and Car Parking Systems
  • IoT Cloud platforms
  • Unmanaged OT networks


The Building Performance Audit will provide the following deliverables:

Building Performance Audit Report

Detailing an executive summary and detailed assessment of the following aspects of the in scope systems, processes and devices, together with our high-level recommendations:

  • Operational State
  • Building Control Performance
  • Digital Building Readiness
  • Cybersecurity Risks
  • MEP Systems Performance
  • Energy and Sustainability
  • Facilities Management

Asset Register

Detailed record of the systems, unmanaged networks and assets (devices) identified by non-intrusive means in the audit together with associated information including operational state, cyber risk rating, location, etc.

Annotated Floor Plan Diagrams

Floor plan diagrams depicting the locations of devices recorded in the Asset Register

High-Level Systems Architecture

High-level system architecture diagram detailing the systems and associated networks topologies identified in the audit

System Schematic

Schematic diagram detailing the connectivity between the devices recorded in the Asset Register

Building Performance Audit Review

Meeting to review the findings and recommendations of the Business Performance Audit with key stakeholders

Peer Review Services

FPC Provides a service whereby our specialists review third party 2D and BIM MEPH designs for commissionability, MEPH design coordination, access, maintainability and operability considerations.

These design reviews take place in accordance with RIBA/AIA design stages.

Reviewing designs early-on in their technical development - as early as RIBA stages 2 and 3 - ensures that Facilities Management are handed an end product at Practical Completion that meets their operational requirements and be fully maintained to continue optimum building performance.

Energy Modelling Analysis & Sustainability Services

Our suite of energy & sustainability services help facility owners and operators to achieve their energy and sustainability targets for both operational buildings and new construction projects.

Using a combination of energy modeling and analysis tools, our specialists are better able to inform our clients on:

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability feasibility studies
  • Life cycle cost analysis
  • New technology integration assessments
  • Post-occupancy performance monitoring and verification against design
  • Ongoing Commissioning
  • Emissions accounting and management programs
  • Emissions reduction roadmaps
  • Net zero energy and carbon reduction studies

And assist them to minimize energy bills and maximize rebates and incentives from the government and utility providers.

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Get in touch with our team

FPC prides itself in delivering best in class consultancy services to the built environment on a global scale.


FPC is a Proptech business that provides highly specialised facility life-cycle integrated technology consulting and professional services for the Built Environment'.

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FPC has a proven track record of helping our valued clients achieve their technology, cyber security and operational performance goals for their real estate portfolios

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